If I were ivisible for a day , I would have fun. First of all , I would gone to the university where my mother is a teacher.I would have gone to the class where my mother is at that time.Then I will do some pranks at the students like pulling a girl's hair and by writing my name in the whiteboard while till the class is going on.I would laugh on seeing them quail!
Then , I would go to my own school and I would go to every class room.In every class room , I would sit somewhere and try to see what is going on , how the students are answering and if the class is boring or not.Then I would run to the school office and go to every room in there. Also , I would play pranks on teachers.
Then , I will walk into a stupendeous hotel where I would eat other's fresh food.Then at last , I would go to Singapure in the train and visit my dad ,who will be working in the office. I would want to hug him and yell out "daddy", but if I do , he will think there is a ghost nearby.And I don't want to scare him .
Being invisible will be a lot of fun , but still there are some disadvantages!